The Children's Book collection is located adjacent to the Library's Circulation Desk, on the first floor. To use the collection, identify yourself as a Child Development student to staff behind the Circulation Desk and they will allow you to access the collection.
There are two sections in the Children's Book area, each shelved in alphabetical order by title:
Browsing the shelves to locate books is recommended for Child Development students. This gives students the opportunity to become familiar with recommended children's literature and the Library's collection. Students are welcome to pull books and review them as needed. Do not reshelve books. The Library Catalog also allows students to search for books. It is not recommended for students needing to search by subject or genre. Browsing the shelves is far more effective.
Search for Children's Books in the OCCC Library Catalog
After entering a search term, limit your results to children's books by selecting Children's Book (under Material Type) on the left side of your results page, then click Include.
Only OCCC students currently enrolled in a Child Development course may check out items from the Children's Books collection.
Child Development students may check out up to 20 children's books at a time.
Children's books check out for 30 days. They may be renewed up to two times, as long as another patron has not placed a hold on the item.
Students must present a valid ID in order to check out books.
There are additional circulation policies that apply.