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Oklahoma City Community College Keith Leftwich Memorial Library

Chemistry Help Guide

To aid in finding relevant resources for chemistry

Films on Demand Streaming Videos - Brief Overview

Films on Demand provides streaming videos on several subject collections and you can find videos related to chemistry.  You can choose to watch the entire video or a specific segment.

You can do a search in the OCCC Library Catalog, or go straight to the Films on Demand link under "Find" then "Other Resources". 

In Films on Demand, you may do a keyword search, or select one of the related subjects listed under the menu icon on the top left.

When you choose a title, you will see the option to play the video, a summary under the video, a list of segments to the right that have a brief overview and a time, and the transcript. You can click on one of the segments to be taken directly to that specific part of the video, or watch the entire video. At the bottom, you will also see the option for the "Citation".

Ask a librarian if you'd like to use one of these videos or video segments in a presentation for class. It's not hard!

Films on Demand


Academic Video Online