The purpose of Essay 3 is to build on your research skills to take a position in an argument. For this assignment, you will write a classical argument based on an issue that is arguable and defendable. Ultimately, an audience will be persuaded by effective rhetorical appeals and sound evidence.
The essay should include the folllowing:
Write an essay that situates your belief in a broader argument. For example, if you believe everyone is essentially good, you might argue that mass shooters are socialized into making poor decisions. If you believe that professors are really mentors, you might argue that the current structure of traditional education is antiquated. If you believe everyone has a soul, you might argue that online dating software increases the odds of someone finding a soul mate. If you believe that no one should go hungry, you might argue that every citizen of the United States should receive a monthly food allowance. If you believe anyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, you might argue that social assistance is unnecessary.
This assignment helps you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in school and your professional life beyond school. In this assignment you will: