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Oklahoma City Community College Keith Leftwich Memorial Library

Health Professions Library Help Guide

A guide to OCCC Library resources for health and medical professions students.

Find Books, eBooks, and More

Search Books, eBooks, and More in the OCCC Library Catalog

Use the OCCC Library Catalog to identify OCCC books, eBooks, and more on your topic. Here are some tips for searching in the OCCC Library Catalog: 

  • Keywords: Use keywords, not sentences like you may do in Google (example: wound care NOT how do you treat wounds)
  • Multiple Keywords: You may use multiple keywords when doing a search. Start with one and add others as needed to narrow your search (example: stroke and rehabilitation)
  • Publication Date: Be aware of the publication date. After your initial search, update the publication date to get rid of older titles in your results list.
  • Material Type: If you are looking for a specific material format, select from the "Material Type" list under "Limit Search Results" on the left.

LC Classification for Health Profession Students

If you want to browse the book shelves in a general subject area, these call number areas will help get you started. Use the slides or link to the Library of Congress to find Call Numbers relevant to Health Professionals. 

Note: If you are a nursing student looking for a book on pharmacology, you need to go to the RMs not RTs since most pharmacology books, regardless of the program, will be in the RMs.

CallNumbersHP by OCCCLibrary
LCTutorial by OCCCLibrary

Searching the Library Catalog [Video]

To search for books, eBooks, DVDs, etc. in the OCCC Library, visit the OCCC Library Catalog.

  1. The Library Catalog link on the Library's website.
  2. Locate the "Start Your Search Box"
  3. You can either type in a title, author, ISBN, etc. into the search bar or click the OCCC Library Catalog link.
  4. Use the filters on the left-side of the screen to begin refining your results.
  5. For more information on a title, click on the item's title.