Need help with EBSCOhost eBooks? Contact the OCCC Library or use one of these two resources:
The Library has an academic eBook platform that is available for you to use - EBSCOhost eBooks.
NOTE: Many people believe that using eBooks, everyone can read it at once. This is not true. If you are reading the book in your browser or you download the title, no one else can read the book. You can read the book in the browser, or read it on a device using the Bluefire app.
The Library has bestseller and hot fiction and nonfiction eBooks and eAudiobooks from OverDrive.
Install the Libby app on your mobile device to start using Overdrive. Add the OCCC Library and using your Moodle/campus email credentials, you can begin checking out titles immediately. You can also browse and check out titles from a personal computer.
Contact the Library for assistance with checking out and downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Step 1: Select "Academic eBooks" under Books on the OCCC Library website.
Step 2: Type in your keyword(s) in the search bar. Once your results come back, you may need to use the "Limiters" on the side to change the publication date. You can also narrow your results by adding additional additional keyword(s). Be sure to put the keywords on separate lines.
Step 3: Once you find a book of interest, click on the title (or blue link). You will be taken to the detailed record of the page. You can review the categories to see the different subjects found in the book.
Step 4: To read the book, you can select "PDF Full Text" to read in your browser.*
Step 5: In "PDF Full Text" you can jump to a section in the table of contents, or select "search within" at the top. You can also move between the pages at the bottom, jump to a specific page number, or zoom in/out.
Step 6: At the top, you have the option to "Cite" the book. Remember to double check the formatting.
*Note: If you chose "Download This eBook" you will have to login to EBSCOhost. If you do not have a username and password for EBSCOhost, you will have to create one. By doing this, you are checking the book out for 14 days.