"I use OER in my Survey Lit courses. The textbooks are all available through a OER Textbook Library. I have found that the students tend to enjoy the digital textbook (in Lit they can get pretty hefty) and the fact that it’s free seems to get things off on the right foot. "
Jacob Nelson, Professor of English
Arts, English and Humanities
"I adopted the Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook called Technical Writing by Annemarie Hamlin and Chris Rubio in the Spring 2019 semester. The old textbook cost over $150.00 for a brand new print copy. Students now have a textbook that is free, adaptable to various electronic devices, printable as a book, and is accessible via hyperlinks in the Technical Writing course on Moodle. Any course content updates or new material added by the OER publisher is immediately accessible to students. Enrollment in Technical Writing has more doubled within the past year. I believe using an OER textbook contributed greatly to this growth."
Dana Passek, Professor of English
Arts, English, and Humanities
"We felt compelled to help students with the cost of textbooks. Students can read and navigate through the book on their smart phone or computer and 78% of students have reported wanting this option. Since it is available online, students have access to the book the first day without problems or a need to wait on their financial aid. The text is available in a PDF format and can easily be added to our Moodle sections. It is a quality textbook with great graphics and it is written by history professors and has been vetted. For my Oklahoma History class, I do not require a textbook but utilize internet resources, mainly The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture."
Leslie Jones, Professor of History
Social Sciences