When you are searching in EBSCOhost, you will want to select only the relevant databases. Selecting all the databases will bring back results that aren't related to your topic. The following are good databases in EBSCOhost that you can use to find resources relevant to business assignments.
Other databases in EBSCOhost might be relevant as well, it really just depends on your topic. As you are looking through the available databases, ask yourself if the topics covered in the database fits your assignment.
EBSCOHost is a great way to get the articles you need for class. Follow the steps below or use the slide show to get started.
You can access citation and emailing tools from icons located towards the top right of your screen.
Like the OCCC Library Catalog, EBSCOhost has a way to narrow or limit your search results. Here is a list of the main limiters and how they can be used.
When using a database to find articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers, it is important to understand the different types of sources.
Scholarly Sources
Trade Sources
Popular Sources
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