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Oklahoma City Community College Keith Leftwich Memorial Library

Business Help Guide

This guide is desgined specifically to highlight business related resouces and how to utilize them.

Relevant Databases in EBSCOhost

When you are searching in EBSCOhost, you will want to select only the relevant databases. Selecting all the databases will bring back results that aren't related to your topic. The following are good databases in EBSCOhost that you can use to find resources relevant to business assignments.

  • Academic Search: Covers multiple disciplines
  • MasterFILE Search: Covers multiple disciplines
  • Newspaper Source: Searches several hundred newspaper, television, and radio news transcripts
  • Business Source: Provides full text for over 1,000 business publications, dating back to 1985. 
  • Regional Business News: Comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. 
  • Small Business Reference Center: Full-text periodicals and reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, videos and reference books that support small business owners

Other databases in EBSCOhost might be relevant as well, it really just depends on your topic. As you are looking through the available databases, ask yourself if the topics covered in the database fits your assignment.

Using an EBSCOHost Database

EBSCOHost is a great way to get the articles you need for class. Follow the steps below or use the slide show to get started.

  • From the library homepage, locate the "Start Your Search" box.
  • Select "EBSCOHost Databases" from the "Articles" tab.
  • Type in your keywords or search terms into the search bar.
  • Review your results by scrolling down the page.
    • You can add filters or limiters from the "All Filters" button.
  • Click on the title of the article to view the item's record.
  • To begin viewing, click on PDF Full Text or HTML Full Text under the title of the article.
    • If an article you want does not have these options, use the Interlibrary Loan form to request a copy. A link to the form should be in the article record where you would see the PDF Full Text or HTML Full Text.

You can access citation and emailing tools from icons located towards the top right of your screen.

EBSCOHostDatabases by OCCCLibrary

EBSCOhost Article Tutorial [Video]

Tips on Focusing Your Search in EBSCOhost

Like the OCCC Library Catalog, EBSCOhost has a way to narrow or limit your search results. Here is a list of the main limiters and how they can be used. 

  • Databases: Select relevant databases that are related to your search. Selecting all the databases will bring back results that aren't related to your topic.
  • Keywords: Use keywords, not sentences .
  • Add Keywords: Add additional keywords in the second or third search box to help narrow your topic.
  • Exclude Keywords: If your results bring back a lot of articles that isn't what you're looking for, but has a keyword in common, you can remove it from your search by using "NOT" instead of "AND" in the keyword area.
  • Full Text: Limits your results to only articles that are available to be viewed in their entirety. This is good for when you really want to find an article you can start reading right away, but bad because you will not see results for articles that are available in paper format in the OCCC Library. Also, you will not see other relevant articles that are not owned that you could then order via Interlibrary Loan. 
  • Peer Reviewed: Limits your results to only peer reviewed or scholarly articles.Your instructor will let you know if you need this type of article. If you aren't sure, ask your instructor or let a librarian read your assignment. 
  • Publication Date: Check to see if your assignment requires an article to be published within a specific date range. 
  • Source Type: Limits your results to a specific source like newspaper, magazine, or academic journal. 
  • Change Keywords: Sometimes there are synonyms for different words. If you don't like your results, consider changing the keyword to something similar (example: child, infant, toddler, etc.)

Understanding Scholarly, Popular, and Trade Sources

When using a database to find articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers, it is important to understand the different types of sources.

Scholarly Sources 

  • Scholarly, or "peer-reviewed" sources, are written by scholars for other scholars and students in a particular field.
  • These sources undergo an extensive review process (peer-review) before they are published.
  • Usually uses highly technical, specific language in the article. 

Trade Sources 

  • Trade sources are written for experts and students in a given field.
  • Although they are not scholarly in nature, trade publications can be excellent sources of information.

Popular Sources 

  • Popular sources are written for a general audience.
  • Popular sources range from entertainment magazines like People to highly regarded national newspapers, such as The New York Times.
  • Evaluate articles to make sure they are credible and relevant to your assignment. 

Scholarly vs Popular Resources

Instructions: To make this Prezi work, select the "Start Prezi" in the middle of the screen. Use the arrows to move to the next screen or go back a screen. You may make the Prezi full screen, or zoom in and out with the arrows on the right, or using the scroll button on your mouse.